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David "Yobbo" Robertson Award
A Grade Players' Player

David 'Yobbo' Robertson - A Phenomenal Opening batsman who was tragically taken from us, aged just 30, after only 41 matches for the club, but his impact has lasted much longer than the 2 and a bit seasons we had with him. Coming to the club in 2001/02 season, he quickly made his mark not only on the competition, notably by scoring a then Association Record 175 against Bowthorne, but more so on his team-mates. 

Yobbo, or Yob, quickly became the heart and soul of the club. He was always willing to share his knowledge with junior players, whilst offered to help around the club during the week, before changing the way A Grade conducted themselves on the field. 

"I remember in his first game for the club, at Lochinvar he was standing at gully, and I was in slips. A sharp chance went to him, and the most athletic dive we had ever seen stopped the ball racing to the boundary. Yob was filthy at himself, but we were like 'mate, we've never seen a dive like that! You just saved four runs' and quickly the way we played changed." - Darren Morrison

After touring England alongside Jarrod Moxey in 2003, David returned to play 3 games for Port Stephens in the 2003/04 season before he tragically passed away on 31st of October from a heart attack. Following his death, his adopted parents were inducted as Honorary Life Members and were asked to present the first David 'Yobbo" Robertson award which was to be voted on by the players in that grade on the basis of who played with the most heart, influenced games through their performances but more so was a reliable team-mate that went above and beyond what was expected from a player. 


David "Yobbo" Robertson Award Winners

 2003-04 Darren Morrison

 2004-05 Brett Cox & Jarrod Moxey

 2005-06 Mark Cooper

 2006-07 Darren Morrison

 2007-08 Jeremy Claydon

 2008-09 Jason Eveleigh

 2009-10 Josh Moxey

 2010-11 Jarrod Moxey

2011-12 Jarrod Moxey

2012-13 Josh Moxey

2013-14 Matt Dean & Josh Moxey

2014-15 Mitchell Groat

2015-16 Lleyton Eveleigh

2016-17 Allan Baldwin

2017-18 Josh Moxey

2018-19 Brock Hawley

2019-20 Nathan Humble

2020-21 Shawn Davies


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